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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09711261"

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Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .3010 


This listing of claims will replace all prior versions and listings of claims in the 

1 . (Currently Amended) An apparatus for hyperlinking specific words in 
content to convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

an Internet-enabled web browsing device, including a terminal for 
connection to the Internet; 

a content provider server having content files to be displayed on web 
browsers, said content provider server being connected to the 

an advertiser web page accessible over the Internet; and 

an ad server connected to the Internet, wherein code in one of said 

content files references said ad server to determine at least one 
existing advertiser-chosen word present in said content file, said 
code automatically, when said content file is interpreted by a web 
browser, providing th e ad s e rvor prov i des moans for prov i ding a 
hypertext anchor to conv e rt for said at least one existing advertiser- 
chosen word , thereby converting said at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word pr e sent i n a content f il e into an 
advertisement by linking said at least one advertiser-chosen word 
to said advertiser web page. 

2-3. (Cancelled). 

Application No.: 09/711,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .3010 

4. (Currently Amended) The apparatus of claim 1 , whoroin sa i d moano for 
prov i d i ng a hypertext anchor to an advort i cor chocon word i n oaid content f il o io 
further including a means associated with said ad server to dotormino which 
wefds determine said at least one existing advertiser-chosen word present in 
said content file to hyperlink when referenced by cod i ng said code in said content 

5. (Currently Amended) The apparatus of claim 4, wherein said means 
associated with said ad server to dotorm i no wh i ch words to hyper li nk wh e n 
roforoncod by cod i ng i n sa i d content f il e comprises: 

decisioning logic; and 

a database associating ITanTl said at least one existing advertiser-chosen 
word with a destination URL pointing to said advertiser web page. 

6 - 7. (Cancelled). 

8. (Original) The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising means to link to said 
advertiser web page using a tracking URL. 

9. (Currently Amended) A method for hyperlinking specific words in content to. 
convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

connecting a content provider server to the Internet, said content provider 
server having content files to be displayed via web browsers; 

providing an advertiser web page so as to be accessible over the Internet; 

connecting an ad server to the Internet; , whoro i n 


Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .3010 

referencing, by code in one of said content files, said ad server to 

determine at least one existing advertiser-chosen word present in 
said content file; and 

said code automatically, when said content file is interpreted by a web 
browser, providing tho ad server prov i des a hypertext anchor te- 
convort for said at least one existing advertiser-chosen wordj_ 
thereby converting said at least one existing advertiser-chosen 
word pr e s e nt i n a content f il o into an advertisement by linking atv 
Intornot - onablod wob brows i ng dov i cb connoctod to tho I ntornot 
said at least one advertiser-chosen word to said advertiser web 

10-11. (Cancelled), 

1 2. (Currently Amended) The method of claim 9, wherein sa i d content fi l o 
inc l udes cod i ng and the ad server provides a hypertext anchor to an 
advertiser-chosen word in said content file by determining which words a means 
associated with said aci server determines said at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word present in said content file to hyperlink when referenced 
by said cod i ng code in said content file. 

13. (Cancelled). 

14. (Currently Amended) The method of claim [[13]] 9, wherein said ad server 
employs frames so as to display a content provider URL in a browser window of 
[[said]] an Internet-enabled web browsing device. 


Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .301 0 

1 5. (Currently Amended) The method of claim [[1 3]] 9, wherein said ad server 
employs coding to display a content provider URL in a browser window of [[said]] 
an Internet-enabled web browsing device. 

1 6. (Original) The method of claim 9, further comprising linking to said advertiser 
web page using a tracking URL. 

1 7. (Currently Amended) A method for advertising by hyperlinking specific 
words in content to convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

alter i ng tho HTML cod i ng of content for ah I ntornot d i sp l ayed f il o to 
include a hypertext anchor to convert at l east ono ex i sting 
advortisor - choson word present i n the content i nto an 
advert i sem e nt by l ink i ng sa i d at le ast on e advertis e r - chos e n word 
to an advertiser wob page; 

referencing, by code in said content, an ad server to determine at least 
one existing advertiser-chosen word present in said content; 

said code automatically, when said content is interpreted by a web 

browser, providing a hypertext anchor for said at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word, thereby converting said at least one 
existing advertiser-chosen word into an advertisement by linking 
said at least one advertiser-chosen word to an advertiser web 
page; and 

receiving compensation from said advertiser. 

18. (Original) The method of claim 17, further comprising compensating at least 
one of a provider of said content of said Internet-displayed file and an entity that 
selects said hypertext anchor. 


Application No.: 09/71 1,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .3010 

19. (Original) The method of claim 18, further comprising compensating on a 
basis selected from the group consisting of flat rate per ad, flat rate per site, 
impressions, clicks, and conversions. 

20. (Original) The method of claim 17, further comprising linking to said 
advertiser web page using a tracking URL. 

21 . (Currently Amended) An apparatus for hyperlinking specific words 
displayed in an application to convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

an Internet-enabled device, including a terminal for connection to the 

an HTTP-enabled software application operating on said device; 

a source for text-containing files to be viewed in said software application; 

an advertiser file accessible over the Internet; and 

an ad server connected to the Internet, wherein code in one of said 

text-containing files references said ad server to determine at least 
one existing advertiser-chosen word present in said text-containing 
filem said code automatically, when said text-containing file is 
interpreted by a web browser providing th e ad server prov i des 
moans for provid i ng a hypertext anchor to convert for said at least 
one existing advertiser chosen word , thereby converting said at 
least one existing advertiser-chosen word prosont in sa i d toxt - 
contain i ng f il o into an advertisement by linking said at least one 
advertiser-chosen word to said advertiser file. 

22. (Cancelled). 


Application No.: 09/711,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .301 0 

23. (Original) The apparatus of claim 21 , further comprising means to link to said 
advertiser file using a tracking URL. 

24. (Currently Amended) A method for hyperlinking specific words in 
text-containing files to convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

providing an Internet-enabled device with an HTTP-enabled software 

providing said text-containing file to be viewed by said software 

providing an advertiser file so as to be accessible over the Internet; [[and]] 

connecting an ad server to the Internet; , wher ei n 

referencing, bv code in said text-containing file, said ad server to 

determine at least one existing advertiser-chosen word present in 
said text-containing file; and 

said code automatically, when said text-containing file is interpreted bv a 
web browser, providing tho ad sorvor providoo a hypertext anchor 
to convert for said at least one existing advertiser-chosen wordj_ 
thereby converting said at least one existing advertiser-chosen 
word prosont i n said toxt - oontaining f ile into an advertisement by 
linking sa i d I ntorn e t -e nab le d w e b brows i ng dovioo to said at least 
one advertiser-chosen word to said advertiser file. 

25. (Cancelled). 

26. (Original) The method of claim 24, further comprising linking to said 
advertiser file using a tracking URL. 


Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .301 0 

27. (Currently Amended) A method for advertising by hyperlinking specific 
words in documents to convert the words into advertisements, comprising: 

viewing a document with a software application; 

referencing, bv code in said document, an ad server to determine at least 
one existing advertiser-chosen word present in said document: 

said code automatically, when said document is interpreted bv a web 

browser, providing a hypertext anchor for said at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word, thereby converting said at least one 
existing advertiser-chosen word into an advertisement bv linking 
said at least one advertiser-chosen word to an advertiser web 
page: and 

alter i ng tho docum e nt f ile w i th software to inc l ude a hypert e xt anchor to 
conv e rt at l e ast one ex i sting advortisor - chos e n word prosont i n tho 
document fi l o into an advertisement by li nking sa i d at l oast ono 
advortisor - chos e n word to an advert i ser docum e nt; and 

receiving compensation from said advertiser. 

28. (Original) The method of claim 27, further comprising compensating an entity 
that selects said hypertext anchor. 

29. (Original) The method of claim 28, further comprising compensating on a 
basis selected from the group consisting of flat rate per ad, flat rate per software 
application, impressions, clicks, and conversions. 

30. (Original) The method of claim 27, further comprising linking to said 
advertiser document using a tracking URL. 


Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .301 0 

31 . (Currently Amended) A method of advertising by hyperlinking a specific 
word in content to convert the word into an advertisement, comprising: 

referencing, by code in the content, an ad server to determine at least one 
existing advertiser-chosen word present in the content; 

the code automatically, when the content is interpreted by a web browser 
providing a hypertext anchor for the at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word, thereby converting the to turn an 
advertiser-chosen word in a content f il e into a hyperlink that links 
the advertiser-chosen word to an advertiser web page; and 

displaying a description of the advertiser web page when a mouse pointer 
is positioned over the hyperlink. 

32. (Previously Presented) The method of claim 31 , further comprising charging 
the advertiser a fee when the hyperlink is clicked. 

33. (New) A method for hyperlinking specific words in content to convert the 
words into advertisements, comprising: 

referencing, by code in a content file being interpreted by a web browser 
for display on a user device, an ad server; and 

receiving, by the user device, a determination of at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word present in the content file; 

wherein the code provides a hypertext anchor for the at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word automatically, when the content file is 
interpreted by the web browser, thereby converting the at least one 
existing advertiser-chosen word advertisement by linking 
the at least one advertiser-chosen word to an advertiser web page. 


Application No.: 09/71 1 ,261 
Attorney Docket No. 0801 1 .301 0 

(New) A method for converting specific words in content into 
advertisements, comprising: 

transmitting a content file from a content provider to a user device, 
wherein the content file comprises code, the code for: 

referencing an ad server to determine at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word that is present in the content 
file; and 

providing a hypertext anchor for the at least one existing 
advertiser-chosen word automatically, when the 
content file is interpreted by a web browser executed 
by the user device, thereby converting the at least 
one existing advertiser-chosen word into an 
advertisement by linking the at least one 
advertiser-chosen word to an advertiser web page. 
